My mum has extensive sclc

  • November 24th 2009 - Today it was time to meet the district nurse!


    Appointments, appointments, appointments!  Today it was the turn of the district nurses to come and introduce themselves and offer their support.  The two nurse that came, Kim and Julie, were absolutely lovely and very helpful.

    As our toilet is upstairs they offered to get mum a comode!  It was a bit like when I offered to get her an electric scooter the other day.  'No way am I having a comode down here, I'll manage!!'…

  • November 23d 2009 - The Smoking cessation nurse!


    As two 20 plus a day smokers mum and I made a decision that we have to stop.  Christine, mums CNS, referred us to the smoking cessation team at the NHS and this afternoon we were visited by the smoking cessation nurse.

    Scheduled to come at 5pm she rung at 2.10pm and said she'd be with us in 20 minutes.  Mum was in bed so got up and got herself together.  In she came like a whirlwind!  I thought she'd be with us for perhaps…

  • November 22nd 2009 - mum feeling sick for first time


    Mum forgot to take her anti-sickness meds last night and got up this morning feeling really sick.  She took one and went back to bed saying she felt awful.  She got up again about 11 and felt rough so she took another one.  All in all she had 4 today instead of the three she is supposed to have but she did feel better as the day went on and enjoyed her dinner.

    I offered to buy her a mobility scooter today as she gets very…

  • November 21st 2009 - an ok day


    Not much to say tonight.  Much like the past couple of days.  Mum has been very tired and has slept for much of the day but was brighter tonight. 

    She told me tonight she'd like to visit Wigtown!  This is the place she was evacuated to when she was 4 although my gran went and took her and her brother and sister home after a couple of months she thinks.  She remembers things about the small town, the beach and the little…

  • November 20th 2009 - don't know what to do!


    Mum is not good at all.  She's really tired and breathlless. 'Wheezing like and old cart horse' as she says!  I've had the week off work to be with her after this first chemo and am due to go back on Monday.  Last night she told me if she was being honest she was scared about being on her own on Monday.  It's the first ime she's admitted she is frightened.  The nurse went on at great length about all…