My mum has extensive sclc

  • November 29th 2009 - Lots of sleeping!


    We had hoped to go out for an hour today, however, we didn't.  The weather was cold, wet and windy but more to the point mum is just so tired.  She is fine when she's awake and says she feels better but is sleeping so much.

    This morning she got up about 10am.  She took her meds and had her breakfast before going back to bed.  She got up about 1pm, had some lunch and went back to bed.  She got up at about 4pm and has…

  • November 28th 2009 - another good day!


    Not a lot to say tonight.  Mum has had another good day.  She has slept a lot but has had no pain and says she feels better in herself.  I know she's feeling better as she has been a bit bored not having been out since her chemo just under 2 weeks ago.  I'm still wary of her going into crowded shops etc but have accepted that she is going stir crazy and needs to get out.

    So tomorrow if she feels ok we're going to…

  • November 27th 2009 - A good day!


    Today has been a good day.  The first good day for a few weeks.  So why was it good?  Because my mum felt better.  She had another good nights sleep, the pain meds seem to be working, she was less tired than she has been since the chemo and we had quite a normal day.

    I was a bit worried about the woman from the DWP coming this morning about the attendance allowance but she was really nice and didn't go into details about…

  • November 26th 2009 - a better day


    I filled mum full of oramorph last night, at the instruction of the doctor I might add, and she had the best sleep she's had for a few weeks.  She was pain free until 11am this morning when it started to niggle but she took the oramorph and that helped.

    The GP came at 12.30pm and had a good chat to mum about her pain and a good look at the pain diary we'd been keeping at the request of the district nurse.  We had…

  • November 26th 2009 - mum has had a lot of pain today!


    Mum woke at 5.45am in considerable pain and took her oramorph.  She went back to sleep until 11am but when she got up was in a lot of pain in her back and chest.  Again she took the oramorph but by 1.30pm the pain was as bad as before.  At 2.50pm I phoned the district nurse and told her what was happening.  She told me mum should go back on her co-codamol, continue with the oramorph and the amitriptyline at night.  This h…