My mum has extensive sclc

  • December 4th 2009 - mums hair is coming out!


    Not an ordinary day!  I went home from  work at lunch time to get mum some lunch and she presented me with a handful of hair.  She is devastated.  Even though she was told she would definitely lose it, it has hit her hard.  To add to the upset my mums younger brother phoned to say that her eldest brother has had a bad stroke and is in hospital.  He has been estranged from the family since 1987 but for some time now mum has…

  • December 3rd 2009 - Social services


    Not much to report today.  I've had a busy day at work.  Mum has had another good day.  Social services are dragging their feet - no surprise there!  Blue badge people have lost mums application!  District nurse brought a prescription for a 'standard' shower stool which I'll go and collect as soon as they take away the giant one and leave room in the bathroom.  A very ordinary day!

  • December 2nd 2009 - The giant shower stool!


    Today my mum had her shower stool delivered.  What a laugh!  My mum and I can sit on it side by side with room to spare.  I rung up to ask them to change it; easier said than done.  The nurse had pressed the wrong button on the online ordering system I was told and they would sort it out.  I then got a phonecall to say that the place the stool came from only does extra large and so now the nurse will have to come out to mum…

  • December 1st 2009 - Really annoyed!


    I went to work this morning at 7.30am.  Mum asked me to get her up as the district nurse had said she was coming this morning.  She said she would ring if she couldn't make it until the afternoon.  I rung mum at 11am and the nurse hadn't been and hadn't phoned.  Mum would not stay in bed and as a result was almost incoherent on the phone because she was so tired.  I rung her again at 12pm; still no sign of the nurse…

  • November 30th 2009 - We did it!


    This morning mum got up and announced it was a nice sunny day and we were going out!  We had breakfast, got ready, and were out by 11am.  It is very cold here but the sun was shining and mum said it was nice to get out of the house.

    We went to Oswaldwistle Mills where we browsed around for half an hour before going to the coffee shop and having a bit of lunch.  Mum then bought two new tops and some sheets and pillowcases…