My mum has extensive sclc

  • November 19th 2009 - not such a good day!


    My mum is not having a good day today and I feel totally hopeless!  She got up at 7am and took an anti-sickness pill as she was feeling nauseous for the first time since the chemo on Monday.  She wen to bed and slept until 9 when she got up and had some toast.  I had to go for a flu jab at 10 so she went back to bed and slept until about 12.15pm.  I made her a sandwich which she ate but has now gone back to bed (1.15pm).  She…

  • November 18th 2009 - 2nd day after chemo


    Mum slept much better last night and after her anti-sickness and etoposide this morning went back to bed and slept for another couple of hours.  She is really trying not to smoke and has only had 3 cigs today so far which is fab!  She is very tired today and has gone back up to bed for another sleep just after her lunch.  No feelings of nausea so far, just the tiredness. 

    Her breathing seems less noisy today.  I can normally…

  • November 17th 2009 - 1 day after first chemo!


    Mum slept very little last night.  She was very wakeful but said she felt fine just couldn't sleep.  Took her anti-sickness at 6.15am and then her chemo tabs at 6.45am.  This meant she was able to have breakfast at 7.45am which she did.  She then went back to bed and slept for a couple of hours.  She took another anti-sickness at lunch time and had a sandwich for lunch which she enjoyed.  So far so good on the eating front…

  • November 16th 2009 - Mum had her first chemo


    Mum didn't sleep well last night as she was very apprehensive.  We arrived at the chemo suite at 10.45am this morning to be told there had been a crash on the M65 and as a result the chemo coming from Burnley was delayed.  Instead of starting at 11am it would now be 1pm.  Linda, the nurse, took us into her room and spent about 45 mins explaining everything to us.  Mum didn't like this much as she was telling us about…

  • November 15th 2009 - Still smoking despite sclc!


    I am really stressed out about the hold smoking has on my mum and I.  We are both 20 a day smokers and when mum was diagnosed last week we vowed to give up.  Since then we have both continued to smoke and are probably smoking more than ever.  I wish I had never tried it and so does my mum but we're hooked.  People talk about drug addicts and that's exactly what we are.  We know that if mum had never smoked she wouldn…