November 21st 2009 - an ok day

1 minute read time.

Not much to say tonight.  Much like the past couple of days.  Mum has been very tired and has slept for much of the day but was brighter tonight. 

She told me tonight she'd like to visit Wigtown!  This is the place she was evacuated to when she was 4 although my gran went and took her and her brother and sister home after a couple of months she thinks.  She remembers things about the small town, the beach and the little 2 classroom school which she saw recently on a tv programme being sold as a house having been converted.  She still recognised the area and I think she is intrigued to go back.  So we'll plan to do that as soon as we can.

Thinking about getting mum a mobility scooter as she tires very easily but enjoys going shopping to places like Boundary Milne in Colne.  It's too big for her to walk round and a scooter might be the answer.  I got one for her a couple of years ago in Florida but it was so big it was like a tank and there was no way we could've taken it apart and put it back together every time we went out and wanted to take it in the car.  We gave it back!  So I'm looking for something lightweight that fits easily in the boot of the car and can be put up quickly when we get to our destination.  If anyone has one and could recommend it I would appreciate it.  Got my eye on a few on ebay!

Well that's it for today, a reasonable day!

  • FormerMember

    Glad things are improving for your mum hopefully this is her comeback from this cycle of chemo, and at least next time you will know what to expect as the routine usually stays the same. How do you feel now Celiswan?

    A trip would be lovely for your mum, maybe do it before her next chemo?? I used to plan things to look forward too, usually a day or two before treatment so I wasnt just worrying about the looming chemo! It really helped me through.

    Good luck with a scooter on Ebay, I love it get some really good bargains.

    All the best Chrissi xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Chrissi.  I'm very up and down at the moment but I think that's just because it's all so new!  I thought the scooter was a good idea but my mum said 'no way!'.  She's very independent and says she's not at that stage yet so enough said.  At least I know she has plenty of fight in her. XX