Cancer stories

By date
  • Community News : Cancer & me 35 years on - Vol 10 'A Chance encounter'

    'Cancer & me 35 years on, Vol 10' written over a photograph of lots of tubes of paints and paintbrushes laid out on a wooden table.

    We are back today with a further instalment of Willo's blog series 'Cancer & me 35 years on.' Willo is a member of our Community who was diagnosed with Anal cancer in 1986 while living in Zambia and has been sharing her experience of life post diagnosis, as well as her amazing artwork, in her blog series with us.

    So far Willo has covered her experience of moving back to England for treatment, her Br…

  • Community News : Let's talk about treatment: sinus cancer and surgery.

    A black and white portrait image of Dan, wearing a patch over one eye.

    Dan (pictured above), known on the site as Defiantlydisfigured, was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in the ethmoid sinus in 2012, which is a very rare type of cancer. He underwent surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Dan found support from sharing his story online in blog posts and on social media, and he continues to raise awareness for facial cancers.

    I was 34 and told that I had a large tumour growing inside…

  • Community News : “I was diagnosed at 24” - Sophie’s story

    "Sophie's story" written over a picture of Sophie before surgery, and four months after her surgery.

    Image: Sophie (left) just after being discharged from hospital, and Sophie (right) 4 months after surgery.

    Sophie found out that she had the BRCA2 gene mutation at 24, which increases the risks for certain cancers. Sophie opted to have a double mastectomy, as a preventative surgery. In her guest blog today, Sophie talks about her decision, navigating the healthcare system and finding support.

    I’m Sophie, 28 years old…

  • Community News : ‘I know that there are people out there who care and can help, I’ve learnt to talk, talk and talk’ – John’s story

    'Prostate cancer awareness Month - John's story' written over a photograph of a wintery field at sunset.

    As Prostate Cancer Awareness Month draws to a close, we wanted to reflect today on what this awareness month means. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is a time where we shine a light on the experiences of those who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and also raise awareness, not only of this disease, but also of all the support that is out there for anyone who has been affected by prostate cancer.

    One of the most…

  • Community News : Brain cancer Awareness month- Simon's Story

    A min wearing a life vest smiling at the camera

    Simon is 45 years old from South Wales and today he is sharing his cancer experience as part of Brain cancer awareness month. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed, our Brain cancer groups are here to support you.

    I have had poor health most of my life due to a neurological condition called Neurofibromatosis. When in my teens I had lots of problems with my bowels and lived with a stoma bag for a year and had…

  • Community News : Cancer & me 35 years on - International Women's day

    International Women's Day written next to a photo of Willo on the fourth plinth on Trafalgar Square surrounded by her art.

    Today marks international women’s day, a day where we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is also a day to highlight women’s issues and rally for gender equality. Here at Macmillan we are dedicated to supporting anyone who has been affected by cancer and champion for better cancer support for all. Hearing and listening to the experiences of everyone is vital in…

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