When my heart began to break

  • An update 3 years on and not looking good

    Wow to think how scared and worried I was about my dad when this all started, and now as I lay in bed with tears falling into the pillow I would rather be back there then here. 

    Dad is not good, a shadow of the person he was before diagnosis and even after being diagnosed. I always felt lucky that dad had hardly any symptoms, to look at him you would never know he had cancer. 

    Now is a different story.  Since December dads…

  • Pain in the heart

    Well I haven't updated my blog for nearly a month. This morning I find myself feeling anxious and scared, disturbing thoughts whirling around in my head so hopefully getting them out will help. Since the last time I wrote, my dad began experiencing pain as a symptom of his lung cancer. It came on pretty strong and enough for my dad to get my mum to call an ambulance. This was scary for us all and was the first time…
  • Just don't know :'(

    I awake this morning but unfortunately this nightmare called cancer is still taking over my family, why couldn't it be an awful dream instead of a nightmare that seems to get worse day by day. My dad has his meeting with the oncologist today, he finds out if his cancer has spread. We already know it has spread to lymph nodes but he had a pet scan Tuesday so the news could be worse :( Yesterday my mum came round…
  • Failed

    So failed my driving test...... Again. Was more annoyed this time then the last time as thought I did ok, perfected my 3 point turn and my emergency stop was good, but made a few other mistakes. Just wanted to give my family some good news but it wasn't to be..... 3rd time lucky. Now my theory has expired so need to retake that too. Any way onto more important stuff...... My daddy had his pet scan today to see if…
  • Just feeling :( today

    Well my dads lung cancer is nsclc, and it's provisional stage is 3b which is bad enough but after Tuesday it could be worse. My dad has a pet scan Tuesday to see if it's spread anywhere and I am so scared. His blood tests were normal but my dad get a lot of headaches and I haven't thought much of it before but now I am worried it has spread to the brain. Even worse the other day when I was with him he went rigid and…