Pain in the heart

2 minute read time.
Well I haven't updated my blog for nearly a month. This morning I find myself feeling anxious and scared, disturbing thoughts whirling around in my head so hopefully getting them out will help. Since the last time I wrote, my dad began experiencing pain as a symptom of his lung cancer. It came on pretty strong and enough for my dad to get my mum to call an ambulance. This was scary for us all and was the first time I saw my dad in real pain it was so sad. Luckily they didn't keep him overnight and sent him away with painkillers after ensuring nothing was wrong with his heart. My mum and I babysat him that weekend making sure he had pain relief and worrying at his every pang on pain. My mum at this time was also having her own health issues, when she told me she had found a lump on her neck I felt sick to my stomach and a cold sweat enveloped my body. Lump=cancer in my mind. She told me the doctor had refferefed her to a specialist. That appointment came and my mum had a camera up her nose to look at her throat, all was clear. But the specialist was worried enough to send my mum for a urgent ultrasound of her neck and ultrasound aspiration. He said it wasn't a lump but a collection of enlarged matted lymph nodes, google has told me this is bad. Well the day of the ultrasound arrived and my mum was so scared, specially at the prospect of having a needle in the neck for a biopsy. I was scared for cancer could be taking over my life. Well the doctor did a thorough ultrasound of my mums neck, both sides he concluded that there was no worry the nodes were just fatty, possibly caused by a muscle tear he felt no need to do a biopsy. My mum was relieved and I was and still am in doubt, having trouble to accept this simple explanation..... Everyone has accepted it tho but cancer of some sorts still haunts me, I dream about my mum having it and fear it getting worse thanks to a misdiagnosis. Is this fear valid or is it just me being scared?! I have been pretty much asked to drop it tho, my dad says of the specialist gets the report and is not satisfied then he will ask for more test to be done..... So just to trust the doctors. Trust is not something I have in many people.........