Just feeling :( today

1 minute read time.
Well my dads lung cancer is nsclc, and it's provisional stage is 3b which is bad enough but after Tuesday it could be worse. My dad has a pet scan Tuesday to see if it's spread anywhere and I am so scared. His blood tests were normal but my dad get a lot of headaches and I haven't thought much of it before but now I am worried it has spread to the brain. Even worse the other day when I was with him he went rigid and said he had a weird feeling in his spine...... Could this be the cancer to. We know the cancer is in 2 lymph nodes so it is on the move and also the tumour is huge. This morning I was reading through old text messages from my daddy only from last year and it's made me so sad. I miss my daddy..... The strong, healthy man. This cancer is making him tired and ill and I HATE IT. Only last September on our cruise he really was a picture of health and now this bastard is hurting him. Today I feel :( today I feel angry I just want to wake up from this nightmare
  • FormerMember
    Hi knicnic, I feel all of the pain your feeling and its horrendous. My dad was diagnosed with SCLC and prostrate which had spread to his bones. Up untill this month at 75 he was a happy, healthly extremely busy man. We thought he had a chest infection but little did we know how wrong we were. We were told only this tuesday that the cancer was so aggressive that he wouldnt be able to be treated. Were were numb.We lost my beautiful daddy on Friday and I still haven't accepted that he's gone, its happend so fast I feel every morning that im going to wake from this nightmare im in. Like you I keep thinking about not so long ago when everything was 'normal' and its breaking my heart over and over again. I know I can't take your worry or pain away (if only it were that easy) but i can offer the advice of trying to focus on all the good things together and know that if you need to get anything off your chest there are people here who will listen and offer you lots of amazing support through this tough time. I don't know what I would have done without the support of people here, its really does help talking to people who understand what your going through. Also remember all of rhe emotions you are feeling are completely normal. Sending you strength and love. Lisa
  • FormerMember
    Sending you a hug knicnic xxx
  • FormerMember
    Hugs and good wishes xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Nic,

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, you obviously love him very much.

    It has been said many times on this site that the waiting is the worst part and once you know what you are dealing with and treatment starts you just get on with it.

    I hope the scan results are good.

    Big hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Just sending you a big hug and wishing your dad good scan results.

    We all worry about symptoms and spread. It doesn't help or change outcomes and just makes us anxious so try not to do too many waht ifs... whatever happens you will deal with it and so will your dad. Once these scans are done, they can start treatment. Waiting and worrying are really hard and caring for someone you love is even harder.

    hang on in there and your dad is still your dad inside, even if he is physically frail, he's still him inside so remember that and enjoy your time with him... and here's to the physical dad matching the inner dad again


    Little My

    ps I hope that made some sense... it sort of did in my head but not sure now... if not, just take the hug x