When my heart began to break

  • How can I worry about me

    Tomorrow is the day we find out my dads biopsy results. I feel scared and keep imagining what they may say, what I think they will say. What I hope they say is very different from what I think they will say. We all went to the coast today, had a good walk and some fish and chips. It was lovely only my mind is so occupied with other thoughts. Last year I had a breast ultrasound on my right breast as it was hurting…
  • Ups And Downs

    So today I had the doctors to discuss my anti depressents I explained about my situation and about my dad. I was shocked when he said he would be inclined to take me off the medication. I don't want to become reliant on them but I am pretty sure I would have already crumbled by now had it not been for the meds taking the edge off emotions. So after a long chat instead he changed the meds instead. By no means am I coping…
  • Don't know what to do with myself

    Monday again and another week of feeling on edge waiting for results from my dads biopsy. Had an ok weekend, weather was nice and warm but unfortunately it was tainted by my dads apparent increase in breathlessness. By daughter and I accompanied my dad to do the big shop at tesco, while my husband helped my mum take some stuff to the tip. My dad was ok in tesco but said he got breathless and tapped his chest a few times…
  • A day at the hospital

    So we had a family outing to the hospital today, wish after our 6 hours there we could have come away with better news :( First my dad went in to see a doctor who asked my dad lots of questions and explained that the ct scan showed the lung tumour is large and only a biopsy will confirm what type of lung cancer it is. The doctor was suprised my dad is not feeling worse considering the tumour size. Which leaves me thinking…
  • Scared for tomorrow

    My dad was dx with lung cancer last Tuesday and had ct scan last Thursday. Hospital rang yesterday and he is to go in tomorrow and see the doctor who may want to do a bronscopy :( that is all they said. I am so scared that tomorrow we will be told there is nothing they can do that it has spread to far...... My dad is taking it all in his stride or at least acting that way but he is still coughing and gets breatheless…