An update 3 years on and not looking good

Less than one minute read time.

Wow to think how scared and worried I was about my dad when this all started, and now as I lay in bed with tears falling into the pillow I would rather be back there then here. 

Dad is not good, a shadow of the person he was before diagnosis and even after being diagnosed. I always felt lucky that dad had hardly any symptoms, to look at him you would never know he had cancer. 

Now is a different story.  Since December dads health declined- nausea, vomiting and tiredness- oh and the cough that drains him of the little ounce of energy he has. 

Dad finished WBR 3weeks ago, but these symptoms were there before he started and are still there now- as well as trouble swallowing and lack of appetite. My mind questions if this means it hasn't worked? Has the only thing the Wbr has done is taken away my dads hair taken away his confidence. He looks ill, sad and fed up! Please positive news come our way! Please let my dad fill this shadow and become himself again, my funny, strong energetic daddy. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi knicnic,

    Please post this message to the Lung Groupto get some support from the lovely members there. It certainly sounds like you could do with some help and hugs from those in similar situations.

    Take care, George & Jackie