My Cancer diary

  • Day 48


    Originally published 27/4/13

    Early entry today, its Saturday and Doctor Who night, so the whole family will be sitting down to enjoy Saturday evening who.

    Today I have been sooo tired. Before you say it, yes obviously I totally over did it yesterday. Ho hum. Lesson learned? Probably not. Trouble is, I get tired like this and I get grumpy. I have been snappy with my lovely missus, to my burning shame I upset her this morning…

  • Day 47


    Originally published 26/4/13

    My fight to get back to normality continues, I think I had a bit more success with it today though.

    I went for a walk in the rain this morning, picked up a couple of bits at the local shop in the village and wandered back. I think this left me less tired than yesterday - honestly, I fail to understand why things that not three weeks ago I did all the time without getting tired or feeling a…

  • Day 46


    Originally published 25/4/13

    Its been a nice day today, I went for a walk into the village and back in the sunshine - which was only slightly misconceived, I came back with a pleasant feeling of warm accomplishment which only later translated into a need to have a nap from sheer tiredness.

    Today I have been mostly just trying to get back into a routine, doing odd little jobs like taking all my pre-operation pain medication…

  • Day 45


    Originally published 24/4/13

    Finally. Made it home, over two weeks in hospital and finally I'm back.

    Feels really good to be back, but I would like to take a moment to extol the people who cared for me in the hospital. They are the very best of people, if you ask me, working tirelessly to meet the needs of patients under their care. I don't care what anyone else says now, the NHS is worth every single penny that is…

  • Day 44


    Originally published 23/4/13

    Hopefully this is the last entry to my diary from a hospital room, I am heartily sick of this place now - the doctors and nurses, in fact all the staff on ward, have been wonderful - friendly, helpful, caring, nice, attentive. In fact I think these people epitomise what is right about the NHS, in fact what is right about people in general. It's safe to say that rather a lot of my faith in…