Day 47

1 minute read time.

Originally published 26/4/13

My fight to get back to normality continues, I think I had a bit more success with it today though.

I went for a walk in the rain this morning, picked up a couple of bits at the local shop in the village and wandered back. I think this left me less tired than yesterday - honestly, I fail to understand why things that not three weeks ago I did all the time without getting tired or feeling a bit I'll are suddenly so damned hard. Walking up stairs without getting out of breath, for example, carrying my mums case up to the spare room is another. OK I have had a big operation, but what the hell has happened to me? Suddenly everything is wearing me out, I need a nap in the afternoon for god's sake, something I'm pretty sure I stopped needing when I was four or five years old.

I dunno, I reckon those hospital beds must be powered by your own life force, like some kind of third rate horror, the longer you lay in them the more of your life they suck away, or something.

Anyway, like I said, I am pretty sure that walk into the village was easier today than it was yesterday - so much so that I tried to do a few jobs around the house. A little dusting, some hovering and some ironing. Normal mundane things. I did them too.

Bloody hell I am tired now, I ache all over the damned place, especially my neck. Good grief, if this is what getting old feels like then I think I will give it a miss, thank you very much. I am going to keep pushing myself and getting back into a normal routine and bugger the cancer or the treatments or any damned recovery. I ain't giving into this, be warned.
