Day 48

1 minute read time.

Originally published 27/4/13

Early entry today, its Saturday and Doctor Who night, so the whole family will be sitting down to enjoy Saturday evening who.

Today I have been sooo tired. Before you say it, yes obviously I totally over did it yesterday. Ho hum. Lesson learned? Probably not. Trouble is, I get tired like this and I get grumpy. I have been snappy with my lovely missus, to my burning shame I upset her this morning. I have shouted at the kids. Oh dear.

My wife thinks I'm not getting enough calories, which is entirely possible. When you can't eat normal food its incredibly tough to get enough calories in, soup is not well known for having lots of calories and I'm living off the stuff. That and children's yogurts, which are higher energy than adult branded ones, mushed bananas too. Whole fat milk. Weetabix with sugar. Puréed fruit. God, I am living off baby food. I would kill for a nice steak and jacket, or a sandwich - in fact just a packet of salt and vinegar crisps..... Oh god anything that's not mush :-) 

I actually had as dream about eating a normal dinner last night, that's how bad its getting. I might have to try making my own soup, a nice smooth creamy chicken curry one perhaps. I think the only way I'm going to make a big difference to my calorie intake and stop this tiredness is with more supplement drinks, I've got a few - but only for one a day, I was having three or four a day in hospital. Someone suggested those protein drinks thee body builders use, not sure about that one, but I'll take what help I can get.

God hurry the day along when I can eat normally again :-)
