My Cancer diary

  • First steps


    So. Today was the first of the scheduled monthly checkups with the team of doctors who have been treating my cancer (what an odd term "my cancer", like its something to be proud of!) and everything went well. I've not had a scan or anything yet, just an examination of the mouth and neck, but nonetheless they seemed terribly pleased with themselves.

    Its not an all clear, not by a long shot, but it *is* the…

  • Recovery (hopefully)


    Its been a while since I updated my blog on here, primarily because I maintain my blog mostly on Google+ and Facebook and haven't felt much like reposting everything again here.  That and latterly I have been busy,

    So, whats been going on?  Well, after my last post I picked up a couple of bugs from the kids - a cold and a touch of the old norovirus.  It was not pleasant, I can tell you.  The cold quickly (in a matter…

  • Day 98


    I've not been feeling up to much these last couple of days, fatigue is catching me and the side effects build.

    The very tip of my tongue is burned. Its bloody agony at times, I have pain relief now and some new magic gel which the chemist will have tomorrow morning - these things should help. Thrush too, a common effect of the radio which I have stuff for too. These mean that, right now, I don't like talking. It…

  • Day 95


    Another weekend, yay.  A couple more days free of treatment when I can get back to feeling more normal.  Well a bit, anyway.

    Today was a day of being mucked about really, clinic was running behind this morning (by about 45 mins too) and then radio was moved to this evening - the machine needed something doing to it, not sure what.  At least there was no waiting tonight, which was better than hanging around for over an hour…

  • Day 93, chemo 3/6, radio 10/33


    Another long day over with, these chemo days just drag.  At least then central line I had done saved any mucking about with them trying to find a vein and get a cannula in it.  I don't know what it is about my veins, but they are damned cowards. First sign of a needle and they go hiding. Of course the chemo makes you veins worse, it really does them in apparently, so they stood no chance with me.  

    At least the central…