Day 46

1 minute read time.

Originally published 25/4/13

Its been a nice day today, I went for a walk into the village and back in the sunshine - which was only slightly misconceived, I came back with a pleasant feeling of warm accomplishment which only later translated into a need to have a nap from sheer tiredness.

Today I have been mostly just trying to get back into a routine, doing odd little jobs like taking all my pre-operation pain medication back to the chemists (I'm not taking any pain control now, which compared to the amount I needed when I had the cancer in my mouth is amazing) or checking the car was OK (its a Prius, never left it standing this long before - wanted to check the batteries) and then discovering that I didn't have my key to the front door on my keyring. Fortunately I still had all the other keys so I got into the house via the patio door, otherwise I may have ended up in trouble.

I'm trying not to think about what comes next in my treatment, I'm also not trying to think about the impact this is having on those nearest and dearest to me. 

This is the problem with cancer, its not just one person being affected, its a whole family. In this case cancer has chosen the wrong family to mess with though. We are united and we will win. No doubts, no question. This I know.
