KateG's blog

  • Difficulties with the site

    I am having problems accessing the site. The only forums I can see are those published in July and August, and the blogs are pretty old too. I have told the good folk at Macmillan and they said they would try to sort it out for me. It will be interesting to see if this is published! So, apologies to all my friends - I'm not ignoring your postings - I can't see them.


  • Making friends... keeping friends...

    When I joined this site I was looking for information and help, but little did I know it would also lead to friendship. Through the old 'What Now?' site I met a fellow patient, Sharry. Last year we jointly hosted an Open Day for members of 'What Now?' which was a great success and led to lots of happiness and laughter.

    Sharry has had a set-back and the Sarcoma has, once again, raised its ugly head. Sharry…

  • My computer went on strike!

    My lap-top developed a mind of its own recently and started to switch itself off just whenever it felt like it. I had words with it (not repeatable here) and was convinced it had a bug (Swine 'Flu? Avian Flu?) so I thought I should run a virus check. Would the computer let me? No it bl**dy well wouldn't, and promptly turned itself off again. Desperate times called for desperate measures so I 'phoned my local friendly…

  • Dash that Ash

    I had an appointment today to have six steroid injections in my spine in the hope they would help my severe back pain. The guy doing it is a specialist anaesthetist but, guess what? He is stranded in Spain because of the Ash Cloud. Argh! They have booked it again for next Monday so fingers crossed, he makes it back to England by then. In the meantime I'll keep taking the painkillers and continue with the weird side effects…

  • Joined up thinking! (My ar**!) Part 2

    I am rapidly turning into Victor Meldrew and ranting, "I do NOT believe it". My oncologist, having done a whole array of tests, told me my severe back pain was NOT due to cancer mets (Praise be!) and referred me to an orthopedic surgeon.

    So off I stagger to see said ortho man. It was pretty obvious he hadn't read the notes or viewed the films but after a quick look at the referral letter from oncologist he…