KateG's blog

  • Good News... Bad News...

    Saw my oncologist this morning for the results of my X-Rays and MRI. Good News - cancer has not returned. Bad News - my spine is crumbling in three places and in the words of the oncologist, "My God, it's painful even looking at these scans, no wonder you're in agony." (Nice to have a bit of sympathy!)

    Next stop - emergency appointment with orthopedic doc.

    Good luck to all those who need it.


  • Will Miss Fidget Knickers keep still?

    I'm having an MRI this afternoon and am seriously concerned about my ability to KEEP STILL!  The reason for the MRI is to check out a hot spot on my spine discovered by a bone scan. Even though the GP has upped my pain meds I find I am forever adjusting my position to relieve the pain. I have some low dose diazepam to take too so hope they will zone me out. Fingers crossed for me, please!


  • Joined up thinking! (My ar***!)

    Just a quick moan about hospital inefficiency. A precis: I have severe back pain - onc recommends bone scan. Bone scan results - something nasty (but unidentified) in the woodshed. Onc orders an MRI and makes an appointment to tell me the results of said MRI on 1st April. I get a letter today telling me my MRI is booked for 8th April. Doh!

    Sorry - just had to get that off my chest.


  • Bananas - 1 Rottweilers - 0

    Last year I wrote a blog post entitled 'Rottweiler under the Duvet' where I described having severe night cramps. Well... I accidentally found the cure - Bananas!  One of my medications dictates it has to be taken early in the morning with food and as I don't much feel like munching breakfast at 6am I have been eating a banana. It took me a while to join the dots but I suddenly realised - wow, no night cramps.…

  • The Elephant in the Room?

    In November of 2009 I had sciatica... or what I assumed was sciatica. I had a moan to my G.P. who (par for the course) did not examine me but prescribed Co-codamil and Naproxen. Her advice (ha ha) was, "Nothing I can do for you - go to a physio or something". Yeah... great...

    Fast-forward to January 2010 and pain in leg/bum has moved to small of my back and, bearing GP's words in mind, I find a private physio…