My computer went on strike!

1 minute read time.

My lap-top developed a mind of its own recently and started to switch itself off just whenever it felt like it. I had words with it (not repeatable here) and was convinced it had a bug (Swine 'Flu? Avian Flu?) so I thought I should run a virus check. Would the computer let me? No it bl**dy well wouldn't, and promptly turned itself off again. Desperate times called for desperate measures so I 'phoned my local friendly computer guy who rushed to my aid and took it off to his 'computer hospital'.

Ah well, I said to myself, at least I can use my husband's desk-top. I fired it up and clicked on Outlook Express - nothing.... I clicked on the Internet... nothing. More unrepeatable words and desk kicking. 'Phone my computer guy AGAIN. He comes and takes the desk-top to his 'computer hospital'. I am bereft... I am cut off from all my Mac friends.

Computer guy repairs both computers - desk top problem was lack of memory space, but (oh the shame) my laptop was simply bunged up with dirt and fluff and overheating the fans. Note to self: must do the dusting more often!

Right, I'm off now to do some overdue spring cleaning.

