Joined up thinking! (My ar**!) Part 2

Less than one minute read time.

I am rapidly turning into Victor Meldrew and ranting, "I do NOT believe it". My oncologist, having done a whole array of tests, told me my severe back pain was NOT due to cancer mets (Praise be!) and referred me to an orthopedic surgeon.

So off I stagger to see said ortho man. It was pretty obvious he hadn't read the notes or viewed the films but after a quick look at the referral letter from oncologist he said, "I think you should have been referred to a different surgeon - I do knees not spines." Argh!

He did do me an interim 'favour' by doubling my dose of Tramadol (a heavy-duty pain-killer).  So now I have to see another doctor - fortunately I won't have to wait very long as I managed to get a cancellation next week.

Hope you all have better luck! LOL


P.S For the benefit of overseas readers, Victor Meldrew is a grumpy old man from a British situation-comedy.

  • FormerMember

    Oh Kate, "I do NOT believe it!" seems very polite.  In your shoes I suspect the air around me would have been bluer!

    Well done for getting a cancellation, hopefully the new ortho man will know his spine from his knee and be able to help sort things out for you.

    Bad Fairy x

  • FormerMember

    You may sound like Victor Meldrew but they sound like the Muppet Show gang Kate and I hope your new ortho man knows his arse  from his elbow! Good luck carol xx

  • FormerMember

    awk kate.... bloody hell, what a farce, can they not get anything right in your hospital.... maybe you SHOULD become a female victor, and maybe ...just maybe they would pull their finger out and get things going right for you...


    liz xoxoxox

  • I know I sound like a MOG (miserable old git!)  but my oncologist is a real sweetie  and, left to my GP, I wouldn't have got as far as a referral to a Chimpanzee, let alone an orthopedic surgeon,. I think it was an honest mistake and am grateful to be referred to ANYONE, who can help!

    Thanks for your good wishes.
