Carrot Tops Blog:

  • A so so day, neither up or down, just plodding!


    Monday 25th October 2010:  Woke up with sore head again, feeling sick and still greeny discharge down below, phoned Doctor to get urine bottle for sample as think I have a infection, also asked further if he received letter regarding me starting on the Letrazole. Doctor phoned me back, yes letter received, but he said no actual date on letter for me to start the letrozole, letter stated that it is planned for…

  • More reality checks; seems so surreal.


    Thursday 21st October 2010: Woke up severe headache, really stiff and sore and did not want to get up but cuddled back into hot water bottle again for another hour or so, so hubby left me to do just that after he brought me up a bit of toast with butter and cup of coffee. Got up about 1pm as we needed to get to hospital for meeting re radiotherapy.   Healing doing ok, got swabs for buttock and left breast areas…

  • Occupational Therapy Support/Social Work Support: When help is needed.


    I am writing this as since I came out of hospital, both hubby and me have been finding things difficult, though hubby did not want to admit it. I called in Occupational Therapy as I could see how hubby was struggling to meet my needs and how I was struggling to also help myself and found it unfair to hubby and myself. How long would it be before he got ill as he worked shifts in the hospital, had to help me and when on…

  • Post operation 1st Mastectomy and Reconstruction;


    Thursday 7th October 2010: Well 9 days on from the operation: It lasted for 14 hours; Had to get a bit of my rib bone taken away as well as the the full breast and all underarm lymphs and reconstruction from the buttock area: Had my own wee cosy room and Nurse 24/7. 2 Surgeons ans anaethetist had a long day and night also. I never lost much blood at all during the operation or after it though had in 3 drains.  Got…

  • Having the last word: If I don't make it. Panicking and Petrified.


    Sunday 26th Sept 2010: This may be my last entry as I am really panicking and petrified of Tuesday and don't know if I will make it or not and come through the major operation, sorry really negative and I guess thats normal just now. Had a word with Hubby tonight as to what he would do if I didn't make it, he said he doesn't know; so for last few hours I have been uploading videos to my facebook page and have put…