Post operation 1st Mastectomy and Reconstruction;

3 minute read time.

Thursday 7th October 2010: Well 9 days on from the operation: It lasted for 14 hours; Had to get a bit of my rib bone taken away as well as the the full breast and all underarm lymphs and reconstruction from the buttock area: Had my own wee cosy room and Nurse 24/7. 2 Surgeons ans anaethetist had a long day and night also. I never lost much blood at all during the operation or after it though had in 3 drains.  Got home on Sunday afternoon as healing well and I loved hearing the wee ultra sound machine on my boob.gave off the blood vessels sound and reminded me of when I had the ultra sound scans when I was pregnant. I did however organise my own funeral before I went in and had a letter for my hubby just in case things went wrong. But the good news is that they are pretty certain that they got all the cancer out and that the total auxillary clearance of lyphms will come back clear as they looked at one in theatre and there was nothing. So many people visited me, sent me cards and more have visited since I got back home also; I also noticed a blog that had been written due to being petrified and it is so warming to know that so many people were rooting for me, that I cried.......... warm tears though not sad ones. I guess I will keep my funeral plan anyway as it will save any future need even if get to 100 years will save it having to be done again.

Very sore though and got tramadol pain relief, Iron tablets and yesterday the District Nurse was very pleased with the healing wounds and has ordered support cushions for me. Occupational Therapy will be visiting to assess any aids I need for myself re the Oesteopenia and recovery from operation. I have 2 follow up appointments with Surgeons next week, who called me their wee star when I was in hospital, and said to me how amazed they were how I seemed to have sailed through the major operation. Now I have to make sure I do rest and not lift, carry, bend, stretch etc for a while.

I will also be having radiotherapy hopefully before Xmas this year and next year if not before will be having my right breast removed and reconstruction from my right buttock all over again, followed by a later operation of ovaries removed to due family history and Genetics. Talking of which......... I found out the day before I was due to go in for my operation, that the last remaining aunt out of the three who had Breast Cancer, died last year. In a way I was angry for not being told this, in a way glad also as now there will be no problem for Genetics to get details, and in a way wondered why I was told this when I was told it? Maybe someone felt it was finally the right thing to do or maybe felt guilty. Whatever.......... as I have always said the truth will always come out one day and it has now.   Maybe it was my mum helping me through again as I told her everything when I visited her graveside and asked her to help me get through everything. All I can say is I feel warm and alive inside for the first time since I got diagnosed, despite being in post op pain, which I know will ease each day, only not quick enough for me!!!!!!!

So I hope that anyone reading this, gets some hope from my blogs and also a light shining like a golden star. May I also add, that the day I went through my operation, there was also a wee a baby boy born into the family.




  • FormerMember

    Brilliant.....thats another invite to someones hundreth birthday party i look foward to receiving.....

    lots of feet up time relaxing and getting back your strength, fitness...

    your op sure was a big one i would have been far to scared to have one as big as that...

    you are very brave to say the least....

    brilliant news and long may it continue that way....

  • FormerMember


    maybe you could put a few lines on this thread as i am sure you will be a help to new members just joining the site


    im well pleased for you and i know everyone on here will be as well

    hugs   ...

  • FormerMember

    Glad you got through it all, and are recovering nicely... I had  double  mastectomy and tran flap reconstruction from my tummy in 2004, so I know where you are right now....well done!

    Liz xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations sounds like you are a star hun, you've done so well I wish you a quick speedy recovery and i hope everything goes well for the future. Its so nice to hear all has gone well and you are so positive.

    About your Aunt i'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope people will learn to tell the truth quicker in future.

    All the best

    Huge but gentle hugs

    Tiggs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mate !

    Its so Great  to have you back and feling so positive, for good reasons. Graeme is right - your blog is a real  Insite and Inspiration to anyone joining the Site or just looking for information.

    Remember as you have said - take the recovery steady please and don't overdo things.

    Congratulations on the new member of the Family.

    Hugs Mate

    John xx