Occupational Therapy Support/Social Work Support: When help is needed.

3 minute read time.

I am writing this as since I came out of hospital, both hubby and me have been finding things difficult, though hubby did not want to admit it. I called in Occupational Therapy as I could see how hubby was struggling to meet my needs and how I was struggling to also help myself and found it unfair to hubby and myself. How long would it be before he got ill as he worked shifts in the hospital, had to help me and when on night shift, had to help me before he could get to bed then up again for another shift. On day shift, I would have to either be up at the crack of dawn with him to get washed and dressed or wait until he came home after a 12 hour shift to do the same as well as wait on a meal.

Not only could I not do housework, shopping or drive, I needed help with personal care, Mobility and making meals.

It was time to call in some help and although it may be only for a short while, I knew that it may also be for a while longer as I had another 3 operations to face over the next year as well as recover from the one I just had.

Occupational Therapy were contacted and:

Bathing/Showering = Shower rails to be put onto wall and a bath seat which can be lowered, although I have to watch the pressure on my buttock and only lowered when I can get to sit at straight angle.

Toilet = A higher softer seat with rails is to be provided as I have difficulty with balance and at moment cannot sit.

Getting in/out of bed = A machine that will raise the top of the bed = enable me to get in/out better as having to shuffle, unable to turn and difficulty getting up to sit.

Up and down the stairs = One of my friends put up an extra 2 rails for me; another at opposite wall and one at bottom of the stair. Need to take one step at a time going up and down.

In and out of a chair = Got an air cushion from District Nurse which helps to relieve the pressure on my leg and buttock. This is ok for chair in living room and also use it for car, though it is difficult to bend.

In and out of house as got steps at front and back door = O.T. able to get rails put up either side of step, if joiner can't get the two rails up as got PVC, one will be put up. They need to be at a certain level.

Meals: Hubby cooks these as I have difficulty bending, lifting, stretching carrying. Getting a type of trolley to wheel from kitchen to living room to my chair to have a meal at a proper level. Unable to sit at table re hardness of seats and getting up from seat. Balance difficulty re Oestiopenia.

Driving = Unable to do until able to do an emergency stop and turn the steering wheel fuly round as well as put on handbrake properly. Relying in hubby to take me to places and appointment. Some friends have also offered to help.

Carers Assessment: Hubby actually realised during the visit just how we were struggling and therefore actually saw the need for this and possible help for me when he was working. It would help to ease his mind and take of some of the pressure for him. = Social Worker will be visiting and may well be means tested.

With regard to DLA = This is still getting debated as apparantly DLA seems to think that Breast Cancer can be cured and therefore not a disability, but I have to go through another 3 operations due to Family History, have Oestiopenia, bordering on Oestioporosis, have had previous operation for 2 discs in lower lumber area and have two other discs degenerating at top of spine. My needs will continue for another 6 months at least and have been required for at least 3 months previously.

All the O.T. stuff above will be put in over the next few days and if we feel we don't need any of it in future we just need to give them a call and they will come and take whatever we don't need away. 

What a relief this was for me and hubby. The hardest thing was to admit to ourselves that we did need help and that it was ok to ask for help, rather than put extra pressure  and strain between our relationship.

I hope this helps others also.





  • FormerMember

    Its ok to ask for help.

  • FormerMember

    Ask for everything.  When my husband came home from hospital we had a hospital bed, carer 4 x a day but we reduced this to 2xs as I wanted to get him out and about while he a able.  He was paralysed from the waist down due to metastases.

    When we were means tested by Social Services we were told that whilst I was working we wouldn't need to pay but if I had been retired which I am now we would have had to pay something from our pension.  How backside foremost is that.

    Sadly my hubby passed away at the end of May but Social Services and Occup Therapy certainly pulled out

    all the stops for us.

    Get whatever you need now before the cutbacks bite.

    Positive thoughts coming your way

    Midge x

  • FormerMember

    the help is there if you know where to look and who to get in touch with. my mum needed lots of help with my dad as she was not well herself and simple things like a tilting kettle, airbags to ease pressure etc were a godsend. glad you admitted you need help and now hopefully will aid your recovery too as you have less stress to cope with take care and continue on your journey safely  love karenxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carrot,

    I have done exactly the same as you. Anything I need I asked for and I must say got without any problems. Bath rail,Stair Rails Backdoor rails Chairs that the seat can sit at an angle allowing me to get up and down more easily. I couldnt walk 10yds without my metal elbow crutches. So if you need just ask.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Excellent blog - something like this should be posted permanently on the Mac site x