A Brand New Me

  • Male Heartthrobs of the 60s


    I’ve been lazy today.  I was given the inspiration for the subject.  I’ve also been given help in defining what a heartthrob is, and more importantly I have had very willing assistance in selecting five artists to go into this category.  I have added my favourite song by each singer.  Thanks everyone, it’s been easy work and a great pleasure to do.

    So to be a heartthrob you have to fulfill the following…

  • Let's talk Northern Soul.


    I have had requests to explain exactly what Northern Soul music is.  Wikipedia gives an excellent definition so I won’t try to improve on that.   All I can suggest is that if anyone really wants to understand that you try listening to some.   

    So how shall we find you some to listen to free of charge and legally?  Well you can go to the BBC iPlayer and find John Kane’s Saturday evening show on Radio Leeds.   Or you…

  • The Power Of Lyrics


    Someone recently made a very apt remark about music reflecting emotions better than you can ever express them yourself.   That sums up the power of lyrics so well.  It instantly takes me back to a perfect example. 

    There was a relationship that probably shouldn’t have been started.  But it was.  One of those long carefree summers when you live for the moment and nothing else matters.  You both knew it wouldn’t and couldn…

  • The Soundtrack Of My Life


    Someone recently described music as being the soundtrack of their life.  I like this expression very much.  I inspect my collection and every piece in there is part of me.   Reminders of people who have shaped my life and times I have spent in their company.  Family, teachers, schoolmates, work colleagues.   Friends old and new with whom I have shared happy times and lots of laughs.  Of travelling companions who have explored…

  • The Trouble With Genres


    There is a problem with this word genres.  It doesn’t always adequately describe the music.  Some music can’t be put in categories.  I know we have to define a type, or otherwise how do we navigate around enormous web sites or music stores?  Even then the owners of such retail outlets can’t always agree on which category to put an artist.   However we persist with the word, I am probably guilty of overusing…