A Brand New Me

  • My Favourite Album


    Got myself feeling a little gloomy lately, think it's all that jazz music I've been trying to listen to!  So in this sort of situation the best thing to do is to reach for your favourite album.

    It's always difficult to pick a favourite, so many to choose from.  But this one beats all the rest for me.

    It's a 1973 album by Ronnie Dyson and it's called "One Man Band".  I adore this man's voice…

  • Trying some Jazz Music


    Somebody suggested I gave jazz music a try.  Unfortunately I have only found two jazz albums in my vast music collection.   "Sketches Of Spain" by Miles Davis and "Collected" by Terry Callier.  I have been listening to both of them, but it became a bit of a struggle.  I do like "Sketches Of Spain" but I think it needs to be listened to carefully in one go.  It is definitely no good for the MP3 player…

  • A sad farewell to my local vinyl store


    My local vinyl record store finally closed down this week.  I am not at all surprised.  The lease was up for renewal, and these days it is more profitable to deal in vinyl on the internet.  But it has left me feeling very sad, it definitely feels like the end of an era.  I will miss going in there having lovely chats with the owner and the other customers.  I used to enjoy browsing through all the stock, I could happily spend…

  • Caught Up by Millie Jackson


    While I was going through some 70s vinyl last week to find "The War Of The Worlds", I stumbled across an album I haven't listened to in years.  It used to be one of my favourites and was one of the first albums I ever bought.  So I had to have another listen to "Caught Up" by Mille Jackson.  It's another concept album, one you listen to from start to finish that tells a story as it goes.  This…

  • The War Of The Worlds - Jeff Wayne


    This morning I have the rare opportunity of the house all to myself for a couple of hours and I have plans!! 

    Someone was recently telling me how wonderful the 2012 The New Generation version of Jeff Wayne's The War Of The Worlds is.  I have heard a few clips of it and can't say I was very impressed.  But I promise I will give it a go another time. 

    But for now I have the 1978 vinyl version of the original double…