A Brand New Me

  • A time consuming project


    Well I'm back a little later than planned.  I have been off on an unexpected long musical journey of discovery!

    I got into conversation with someone who calls themselves a true music fan.  They unfortunately were also aware of my few moments of madness in the mid 70s when I became a Bay City Rollers Fan.  We got onto the subject of what happened to the lads in the band, and if any of them ever had any musical ability…

  • Internet House Party Rules


    Sorry I didn't realise some of you out there are new to internet house parties.  These are the rules.

    1.  Party is organised.  That's me tonight.   

    2.  An album is agreed on for listening to.  Difficult.  Tonight I'm giving clues at the bottom. 

    3.  Venue, Date and Time.  Your bed or your couch.  Tonight.  7pm-8pm.

    4.  Item of memorabilia is selected. Suggestions: Cut down trousers, scarves, anything tartan.

    5.  Refreshments…

  • A valuable lesson to learn


    You know that box of vinyl records you donated to the charity shop, or sold at the boot fair for a few quid?   Well I'm going to tell you a story this morning as it relates to the title of this blog.  Brand New Me.  The Jerry Butler song. 

    OK.  Think about all the boxes of records you have chucked out over the years.  The ones of all the artists that you had never heard of?  Was it by any chance Keep On Pushin by The Impressions…

  • An unexpected recommendation.


    Well I got my first recommendation for new music.  It was the last thing I expected but I agreed to give anything a try and I'm so glad I did.  You were so right, it's the best chill out music.  It's on the radio now.

    Today I am listening to Classic FM.  I have no idea what actual piece of music is called but it doesn't matter.  All that matters is that I've found more music that I like.  Thanks! 

  • How I chose the title for my new blog


    I've always found the best way to strike up a conversation with a stranger is to ask someone what music they like.  Sometimes I play a little game in which I try to guess what sort of music they'll like.  Usually I'm right.  A few weeks ago I got it completely wrong and I'm cheered up at the memory now. 

    I usually get it right within a guess or two but that day I struggled.  Classical? Opera?  Swing Music? Mario…