The Power Of Lyrics

1 minute read time.

Someone recently made a very apt remark about music reflecting emotions better than you can ever express them yourself.   That sums up the power of lyrics so well.  It instantly takes me back to a perfect example. 

There was a relationship that probably shouldn’t have been started.  But it was.  One of those long carefree summers when you live for the moment and nothing else matters.  You both knew it wouldn’t and couldn’t last, but there were no regrets when the inevitable parting came.  Who knows, you both agreed, one day the time may be right.  It just wasn’t now.  He says if you ever need me just send a message.  You know how to find me.   

I did know where to find him as we’d been introduced by a mutual acquaintance.  However life moved rapidly on.  The memories hadn’t faded but had been accepted as belonging to the past. 

One day I was discreetly approached by a reluctant go-between.   I was stunned to learn that I had a message.  After six years.   A carrier bag was handed over containing a 7” vinyl single of a recent release.  I peered inside for a note.  There wasn’t one.  When I listened to the lyrics I understood why not.  The song said it all. 

“Guess I always knew inside
I wouldn't have you for a long time…

 Sometimes goodbyes are not forever
It doesn't matter that you're gone
I still believe in us together
I understand more than you think I can

 We had the right love

At the wrong time

Maybe we’ve only just begun
     Maybe the best is yet to come?”

  • FormerMember

    There must be something in the air. I posted my blog entry this morning without catching up on the activity, I was travelling yesterday after work and I was too lazy/tired/in need of a drink to blog when I arrived.

    I also put something up on Facebook. I Might post it here in view of your comments, so long as I don't forget. See my blog for the reasons why!

    As for your choice of words, it is very bitter-sweet in my case. I doubt if the best is yet to come, it is probably a different best.
