A Brand New Me

  • Thanks for the recommendations.


    I’ve been keeping busy lately catching up with some recommendations.  I have to thank a lady for recently introducing me to the music of four wonderful singers.  I do hope our paths cross again one day as I want to tell you how grateful I am to you.  I’d also love to know what else is in your music collection! 

    So my new favourite singers are Brenton Wood, Billy Stewart, Ray Peterson and Teddy Randazzo.  Any other…

  • Classical Music With Lyrics.


    I often purchase a record because it’s being sold cheaply and I know that it is potentially valuable.  I rarely do this with CDs as I don’t know the subject very well. However one bargain caught my eye the other day.  I bought it for £1.50 including postage.  Condition was described as good as new and I knew I could resell it for at least £40.  It’s recently arrived, but unfortunately the condition…

  • The first LP I ever bought.


    I was talking to some friends the other night and we got onto the subject of what was the first album we ever bought?   Everybody but me knew straight away.   A couple of days later and I'm still not sure.  It's supposed to be a memorable event but I'm struggling with this one.

     I did have some albums as a child but they were all bought for me as my pocket money didn't stretch that far.  I also don't think they…

  • I Want To Go Back There Again.


    Today’s title is a song recorded in 1967 by one of my favourite artists.  Chris Clark.  Not many people have heard her music which is a great shame.  She never got the recognition she deserved.  She’s from the same era as another favourite of mine -  Dusty Springfield, and Chris Clark has a fine voice too.  However I do know someone who loves 60s music as much as I do.  Let’s call him D and I have his permission…

  • Growing Up WIth Music


     I grew up surrounded by songs from the musicals.  I didn’t want to be.  I loved pop music, the sort they played on Radio Luxembourg.  Songs that you listened to on that transistor radio tucked under your pillow at night.  On Sundays the extended family would all get together.  If the weather was fine then the younger generation would escape outdoors somewhere.  Otherwise we were trapped inside with the adults. It wasn…