The Soundtrack Of My Life

2 minute read time.

Someone recently described music as being the soundtrack of their life.  I like this expression very much.  I inspect my collection and every piece in there is part of me.   Reminders of people who have shaped my life and times I have spent in their company.  Family, teachers, schoolmates, work colleagues.   Friends old and new with whom I have shared happy times and lots of laughs.  Of travelling companions who have explored the world with me.  Reminders of hours spent on dancefloors and of concerts attended.   There is the music that has motivated me through many a long session in the gym or incentivised me through an exercise class.   I will be particularly grateful to certain albums that have given me the strength to get through a difficult patch in my life, or given me the courage and inspiration to go for my dreams.  

A large proportion of my collection probably falls into the category of failed relationships.  No that’s not really accurate,  many just ran their course and then they ended.  But it’s all there, the tracks you fall in love to, and the ones you break up to.  A lot of bittersweet memories.  There are a few pieces that I can’t listen to without crying so I rarely play them.  But I’d never dispose of any LP just because it had associated painful recollections.  Music is precious, to be looked after properly and cherished. 

Today I sadly find myself at odds with a casual acquaintance of mine.  She’s just acquired some new CDs.   I discover that these pieces have been selected  purely for show.  Not for listening to and enjoying, but for putting on display. I think I know what’s going on here.   She is always anxious as to what people will think of her.  Always wanting to impress and incapable of just being herself.   She is so ashamed of the music she really enjoys that it is hidden away.  Instead she picks the CDs that she decides she should be liking, the ones that she thinks make her look trendy and interesting in front of her dining companions.  The same thing is done with books.  Why pretend you read the classics when you really like chick lit? 

I don’t approve of such behaviour, probably why our relationship hasn’t developed to the friendship stage.  I like people who are genuine and proud to be the person that they are.   There is nothing in my record collection that I am embarrassed to own.  Maybe some items just gravitate naturally towards the back….
