Art, photography and creative writing

  • Community News : Have you tried expressing yourself? Creativity and coping with member Wee Me

    Creativity can be a helpful tool to find comfort and support. For Community member and Macmillan volunteer Wee Me, the Online Community’s “Express yourself” group and taking the time to be creative has been invaluable throughout her experience with cancer. Wee Me’s husband was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma brain tumour in September 2020. Wee Me has shared her story on Community News.

    6-12 June…

  • Community News : Story of the Month: Jennifer

    Have you ever felt misunderstood during your experience with cancer?

    Here in the Online Community, we’re excited to launch a new series working with Macmillan’s Digital Storytelling Project, where people affected by cancer have created their own videos to talk about their experiences. We’re starting with Jennifer as our first story of the month for May 2022, also known on the Online Community as JenW…

  • Community News : Winter Picture Festival 2021 - Creativity and crafts

    A painting of an owl on a blue background of flowers and snowflakes.

    Grasan's a beautiful MDF painting. 

    First of all, we’d just like to say a big thank you to everyone who shared a picture with the Online Community as part of our Winter Picture Festival. Your pictures brought the Community team, and our members, a lot of happiness this December.

    The Winter Picture Festival gave members the opportunity to share a picture they’d taken, or something they had made, on a winter theme…

  • Community News : Winter Picture Festival

    Handmade christmas tree decoration made with twigs and baubles

    Our featured image, from

    First of all, we’d just like to say a big thank you to everyone who shared a picture with the Online Community as part of our Winter Picture Festival. Your pictures brought the Community team, and our members, a lot of joy this December.

    The Winter Picture Festival gave members the opportunity to share a picture they’d taken, or something they had made, on a winter theme.

    There were…

  • Community News : Not everyone can see your pictures

    "International day of people with disabilities" written over a blue sky filled with clouds, above a green hill

    Thursday 3rd December marks the International Day of People with Disabilities, or International Day of Disabled Persons. Not everyone might know that as part of the Equality Act in 2010, anyone with a cancer diagnosis can choose to identify as having a disability. However, it’s important to remember that people can be affected by cancer, and other disabilities, in very different ways.  

    The theme for 2020’s International…

  • Community News : 'Advice to Bureaucrats' by Michael

    As lockdown is eased, yet shielding measures for many are extended, we wanted to share a poem with you from our guest writer Michael.

     Black and white photograph of a man on a bench beside the seafront, facing away from the camera and looking down at a newspaper


    It falls to you to draft a shielding letter

    Of weighty pages, not too clear, for someone

    Who has an underlying health condition,

    The relevance of which he may not know.

    Ensure you couch the information in

    Alarmist terms, including dicta aimed

    At other people rather…

Art, photography and creative writing