Whatever is that about????

  • 32 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi all,

I have just replied to a post and got a flash up that I might need to dial 999 or Samaritans for help as I used a word to cause alarm in my post!!! 

Whatever have they done to this site! I didn't think I sounded depressed or like I am desperate for help!!!! 

I am pretty together and moving forward. Weird and very off putting. Please can we have our old chat back!!!

Alison xxx

  • I can hardly see the writing either!!! It is so small, I too am not old at 53 mcccmc!!! 

    I feel we are being watched too!!! Eyes and feel I am loosing my fellow friends. We want to rant and be grumpy (sometimes) and it has helped! 

    Sometimes I want to encourage others. I am fortunately at the moment on the up. But it is a lot of effort to read and do this. I too don't come on here as often as I used too. 

    Nice to hear from Geoff and Mccmc again after so long but I think some of that is the effort!!! If I was clever enough I would set us up a chat line! 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Akela2516

    Yes, I can understand the reasoning behind the nudges, but it is not helpful to find out that they are actually automated responses. I fear we are all being encouraged to be "nice"

     I am not nice.

    You are all nice, and I think this website is pointing out to me that I should not be on it. They are making me feel that grief is only allowed if you can be decent about it. I am not decent about it and family members and friends don't understand at all, so I do the decent thing and lie to them, say I am okay. This was the only space where I felt truly understood and could say I am not okay.

    It is indeed a lovely day. I will put this from my mind and go outside and do the garden, but it's just something to while away the time and maybe not think. Take care all xx

  • Hi Alison and everyone else, I posted in this discussion a little while ago but unfortunately got a message just a couple of minutes ago informing me that my post had been removed because of something I said in it, which obviously I can't repeat here now because the post will be removed again, and I am deeply saddened to see how much we are being controlled and monitored as this should be a site where we can express ourselves freely. I hope they have still left us the private messaging tool and I would love to chat with you there but I am not sure how much I want to continue to post to the forum.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Mel

    I am starting to feel the same. Do feel free to private message me. 

    I can't think of anything you have ever posted which could be removed! That is crazy! 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hello, I have been trying to get in for a while, glitches meant I could see but not post. Quite in need of a good rant and swear, i wonder if there will be an automated response to swearing and maybe a pop up suggesting I donate a pound to the Macmillan online swear box -

  • Ha ha ha good we havent lost our sense of  humour love this group we are mavericks and thats a good thing sometimes you have to challenge stuff !! X

    Granny Sue

  • Being able to express is important. For me, especially as in my friends there is no one else bereaved or been through similar. Friends although well meaning,  have been really shite at time (pop up potential 1 : swearing).   This place is an outlet so that I can contain myself enough for when I see people to get by. "yes I am doing ok (not)", and going alongside the world that was.  Some days and times I cant bear others and finding strangers easier to talk to about nonsense.  

    There are days when I feel like I have been gutted, disemboweled and beheaded (pop up potential 2: grizzly things). And a "how are you doing" is the last thing I want to hear - accompanied by Sad Face, Cancer Face, Dead Partner Face. (pop up potential 3: being down right rude) .

    I am occasionally feeling at my wits end (pop up potential 4: wits end) with the endless sorting out of stuff, paperwork, how to dispose of 2 electric wheelchairs, gadgets, shed full of crap, sad clothes, bad clothes etc. With people saying "let me know if there is anything I can do" -  I could give them a list, but they dont really mean to offer help in any practical way and cant really help in an emotional way.  Poor sods, they cant win.

    So space to rant, means that my pleasanter self is preserved enough or I can paper over the cracks when the pop up

    Glad to be back in  - I managed by using Fire Fox as a search engine rather than Giggle Chrome.

    I shall put a couple of quid in the swear box - and feel better  for it  - off to face the day with a blast around on the motorbike  (pop up potential 5: dangerous hobby) and am owning my new title of The Butch Widow Twanky  (pop up potential 6: panto references and irreverance or taking the piss of myself)|.

  • Äąmao!! 6 potential strikes and you're still not in MM jail Joy

    Ride on NellieJ Ride on!!


    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi everyone,

    I hope you don’t mind me responding here. My name’s Ellen and I work on the Community team here at Macmillan.

    We wanted to reach out in response to the feedback you’re posting here about our safeguarding pop up.

    Firstly, we’re so sorry if this is causing any distress or upset. Please know this is never our intention and nor would we want this feature to prevent anyone from posting openly and honestly about how they’re feeling.

    The Community is a safe space for all of our members to talk to others who understand. We know it’s a lifeline for many of our members and it’s really important to members to be able to talk frankly.

    Our safeguarding pop up is in no way meant to censor or prevent users from posting on the site and please know that it doesn’t stop you from posting in any way.

    The list of key words and phrases that are used to create this pop up were carefully thought through and put together with the help of our safeguarding team here at Macmillan. The responses to each of these are intended to be an initial and immediate source of support to someone who may need it.

    We understand that some of these words can be used differently, and in a different context. If you do not feel that this pop up is relevant for you, you are able to ignore the notification and continue to publish your post.

    The Community receives thousands of posts a day and the wellbeing of our members is paramount. We want to ensure we are reaching as many people who may need some support as possible.

    We hope this does not deter you from continuing to post openly and honestly on the site. Please be assured that whilst the Community team are here to support members and keep the Community safe, we are not monitoring posts to censor anyone. Everyone is welcome to post on the site and we always encourage members to talk honestly and freely with eachother.

    I hope this allays some of your concerns about the pop up. I have also taken each of the comments about the pop up and passed them on to our Feedback team here at Macmillan, as it’s really important we are capturing your thoughts and opinions about the site. If you would like to send in your feedback directly, you can do so by any of the below methods:

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan Community Team

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan Community Team

  • My early  response to your post has disappeared for some reason ?  It was nothing offensive as I supported your comments entirely.  But hey!  Its 1984 repeating itself. 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.