
  • Sadness


    I went for an assessment with a bereavement counsellor this afternoon.  She asked me some questions and I talked about my feelings about my Mum and about what had happened. She is going to assign me a counsellor and get back to me within a couple of weeks.

    Lately, I have been finding it hard to cope with life.  I am trying to move on: seeing friends, going out shopping, work when it is available- things which I would normally…

  • Coping With Loss


    I'm somewhat concerned about my reaction to Mum's passing. Since it happened on Tuesday, I have been relatively calm. A friend of mine picked this up today when I spoke to him on the telephone. When my mum passed away on Tuesday, it did hit me. Since then, I have felt something missing inside and I have felt different in some way. But I have hardly cried about it. I know different people react in different ways,…

  • Passing Away


    My mum passed away this afternoon.  It was very peaceful in the end. She had wanted to be buried on the same day and wanted a simple ceremony. 

    I reflect on the last few months and I struggle to believe any of it.  I can't imagine my life without my mum as a big part of it. 

    While we were burying her this evening, I kept thinking about what the Macmillan nurse said to me a few weeks ago when she told me that there…

  • Reflecting on a Surreal Week


    My mum came home from the hospice on Tuesday evening.  The doctors said she probably would only have a few days left.  But she is still here with us. Her breathing is rattly now and she has a lot of phlegm on her chest.  She has gone a pale colour and isn't opening her eyes now.  She stops breathing sometimes and then starts again and the pulse is not regular now. 

    We are all spending as much time with her possible. 

  • Waiting 2


    My mum is still with us.  She is fighting on, although is getting more pain as her organs shut down.  She is sedated and is being given painkillers through a syringe.  We take it in turns to keep a watch over mum and this morning, I woke up at 5.30am due to all the commotion in the house.  She was in a lot of pain and we called out the nurses, who upped her meds.  We thought she was going to leave us this morning, but she…