Reflecting on a Surreal Week

1 minute read time.

My mum came home from the hospice on Tuesday evening.  The doctors said she probably would only have a few days left.  But she is still here with us. Her breathing is rattly now and she has a lot of phlegm on her chest.  She has gone a pale colour and isn't opening her eyes now.  She stops breathing sometimes and then starts again and the pulse is not regular now. 

We are all spending as much time with her possible.  We have been surrounded by family and friends for the last week.  I am immensely proud of my mum and of how hard she has fought.  You can tell she doesn't want to leave us.  She looks very peaceful now. 

As for me, this has been the most surreal week of my life.  Waiting for someone to die is the most unnatural thing.  It feels as if the world has stopped for us.  I am very calm at the moment though.  My mum has been so dignified and graceful throughout her period of illness that I think some of that has rubbed off onto me. The only place I've been to is the supermarket to buy food for us.

After things have moved on, I am going to write a piece about my mum's life for my blog.  She has been through so much and I find her life story to be remarkable.  I won't be able to do her justice with words, but I would like the world to know about my mum.  I used to write poetry, but I think this time I will write a short piece about some of the key events in her life.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz,

    I hope the end comes soon and is Peaceful and painless, for your Mums sake and the sake of you

    and the Family.My Thoughts are with you tonight.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz, thinking of you and your family at this sad time. What a lovely way to show how much you care for your mum by writing about her life, you must be very proud of her.When her time comes i hope it will be peaceful and serene.

    With Love And Hugs Lucylee. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yil,

    Your mum sounds an amazing lady and you are doing a marvellous thing, caring for her as you do.  I am glad you have had your family and friends around, it must be a huge comfort to your dear mum.  I'm glad that you are feeling calm at the moment, it is amazing where that strength comes from when we need it.

    Thinking of you and your mum I would be very interested to read about your her.

    Take care

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz,

    What a lovely idea about writing a tribute to your mum who I'm sure if as proud of you as you are of her.  

    Take care, and best wishes at this difficult time.  

    Ellie xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Yimaz

    I havre been thinking about you since I read your earlier entries about your mum. It must be very difficult at this time but you are being very strong and your mum will still be aware thatyou are with her. I hope that the end comes peacefuly, your mum sounds like an amazing woman with an equally amazing daughter.

    Take care of yourself, best wishes sharonxx