
  • Moving Forward


    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are all well.  I feel bad that I haven't had time to post on here much recently, and part of me also feels bad that so many of you supported me last year when my Mum died, but that I haven't been around much to reciprocate lately. 

    It's nearly a year since my Mum died and lately I have been feeling very sad about it.  On July 24th, it would have been her 65th birthday.  We went out as…

  • 6 months


    Hi everyone.  Firstly, I regret not being able to come on here more often.  I have been so busy recently with work and generally keeping myself occupied.  I think that I keep myself occupied because it gives me purposes and helps me not to think about what has happened in my life over the past year. 

    Monday 14th March was the six-month anniversary of my mum's death.  I cannot believe it has been six months already.  I…

  • Checking In


    Hello everyone.  I wanted to say hi to all my Macmillan friends, and thought that this was the best way to do it.  I haven't been on here recently because I have been very busy with work and other stuff.  But I have been thinking about you all and send lots of love and good wishes to all. :)

    It would be good to hear how you are all doing; I'm not particularly good with the live chat in truth!  So feel free to reply…

  • Counselling Week 2


    I felt a little more uneasy this week, because I felt like I had to keep talking for an hour.  I don't know, it just felt weird to keep going on about my feelings, thoughts, worries and felt like I was going round in a circle, continually asking unanswered questions. There is very little input from the counsellor and it often feels like I'm talking to myself.

    The counselling is good for exploring my feelings more…

  • Bereavement Counselling


    Today I went for my first bereavement counselling session.  I left feeling that what has taken place was profound, for I felt as if I had opened up Pandora's Box with regards to my feelings.  The depth at which I discussed my feelings really shook me and made me think. I hadn't previously thought about the complexity of the reasons why I feel the way I do.  Obviously, there is grief.  But I hadn't thought about the…