
1 minute read time.

I went for an assessment with a bereavement counsellor this afternoon.  She asked me some questions and I talked about my feelings about my Mum and about what had happened. She is going to assign me a counsellor and get back to me within a couple of weeks.

Lately, I have been finding it hard to cope with life.  I am trying to move on: seeing friends, going out shopping, work when it is available- things which I would normally do.  But, I feel like my Mum's passing has put it all into perspective.  Everything I do in my life seems trivial and irrelevant compared with the loss of Mum.  And all around me, the world is moving on.  I feel like I need some support at the moment. I have lots of good friends, but everything moves on with life.  At the time, my friends were supportive, but none of them have been through what I have and so don't realise how much this hits you afterwards. It's not their fault at all, and I do realise how difficult it is to support someone in this situation.   I feel in some way that I am just expected to move on as well.  I am trying to, but it's so hard.  The feeling of emptiness and great sorrow is always there. 

I find myself staring at where she used to sit and getting upset.  There is a big hole in my life at the moment and I'm not sure how to deal with it at all.  I am lucky to have had such a loving, kind-hearted Mum.  But the loss of her is just so hard to bear.

  • FormerMember

    Hello yilmaz. What a sad terrible time for you. Remember you have already coped with more than you thought you could We are all stronger than we think and know we are all with you in our thoughts and you will get the support you need Take care Yilmaz and have comfort knowing there are people you have not met who are sending you warmth and hugs to try to help you through.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz,

    You have been through a lot even before the loss of your mother x Tell your friends that you have been referred to a counsellor so they understand you are feeling really bad.

    Often churches have bereavement groups where people meet to have a cup of tea and a chat with people in similar circumstances.  Also pop into chat here where you will find support and understanding.

    When my mum died I had a tree planted in an arboretum in her memory.  I find it nicer to think of her there and it is something positive that the community can also enjoy.  All the pretty trees had already been planted.  I was presented with a wish list.  I chose a Redwood which is the largest growing tree in Britain.  Mum would have laughed at my choice as she was very very tiny - and I know she would haver approved.

    Take care,

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    sorry you feel so low but talking about your feeling does help .its not easy when you feel your life has come to a stand still and everyone elses is moving on but that is just anothe sad fact of live you will come through this sad time and in time the good days will out way the bad days .

    coming on to this site you will find a lot of support from people who have been where you are now it not a easy journey but it is one that you can do with some help.

     take care many hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hang in there hun, I know how you feel, I felt the same about 7weeks ago, I hope the counselling works for you. They helped me lots. Thinking of you and if you need to talk just give me a shout.

    Tiggs xx

  • FormerMember

    I am thinking about seeing a counsellor too. My GP has advised me to do so. She mentioned contacting the hospice, but when I went online to find their phone number I saw pictures of the place and knew I couldn't go back there so soon.

    My dad passed away 6 months and even though he had only been at the hospice 15 minutes before he died it would so hard for me to walk in there again.

    I have been taking antidepressants for a while, but they weren't working very well so my doctor doubled the dose and I felt ok for a few days, but yesterday and today have been really bad. I just keep bursting into tears. Today I stayed in bed till 4,30 this afternoon and that is not good. I am seriously considering contacting Cruse and hope I can find some help.

    I hope it goes well for you.

    Best wishes, Christine xx