I'm Getting There

  • It's not over!


    This morning I had a realization. while making a comment I mentioned my heart condition It's genetic. here we go. It's called Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy with Paroxysmal atrial fibrilation not sure about the spelling. basically It Is a disease like cancer only It cannot be cured over time It will get worse. the main concern Is that my heart can stop beating at any time. It's happened three time's so far but only for second…

  • Hello John you look so well


    Had my appointment this morning. saw Dr Chandler Instead of Dr Tipples. as he shook my hand he said. " Hello John you look so well " I thanked him and asked how he was. he was also very well. we had a chat about how I was feeling and what I had been doing since finishing radiotherapy he seemed surprised that I had decorated practically the whole flat and that I had returned to the charity shop I work for. I told him I…

  • Am I really Traumatized


    I'm just sitting here waiting for the new carpet to be delivered and as usual when I've nothing to do I start thinking. I remember talking to my radiotherapist. she Is a very down to Earth person. dress'es like a sixty's hippy and has eye's that don't just look at you. but actually see the person. we were just talking about some of the problem's I've been suffering. I was telling her about not being able to sleep because…

  • Busy Busy Busy


    I have not been here for a few week's been very busy redecorating the living room and passage. It helped to take my mind off of thing's. and It has helped. It was therapy. I feel so much better. no pain. trying to get back Into my yoga Is a little hard but I will get there. I have an appointment on Thursday 19/6. to see the radiologist and two week's after that another to see my oncologist. I'm feeling a little nervous…

  • Cruton / Jenny


    I have just been reading the comment's from Cruton and Jenny. thank you lady's something I never expected. regarding the advert's. I feel that they are detrimental to people who are suffering from cancer. all I want to do Is forget the last seven month's and try to regain at least some of my life. I used to practice yoga and did so for five year's. I love to read. I never read anything while going through the treatment…