Hello John you look so well

1 minute read time.

Had my appointment this morning. saw Dr Chandler Instead of Dr Tipples. as he shook my hand he said. " Hello John you look so well " I thanked him and asked how he was. he was also very well. we had a chat about how I was feeling and what I had been doing since finishing radiotherapy he seemed surprised that I had decorated practically the whole flat and that I had returned to the charity shop I work for. I told him I did feel a little tired for a couple of week's after the radiotherapy but soon got over It. he think's I've handled the therapy very well. my wife then Informed him " that's because he has always kept himself fit " " he used to be an amateur body builder and weight lifter " he asked If I still do It I said no It's yoga nowadays nothing to strenuous. Over the past year I have lost nearly three stone. my cardiologist will be very happy when I see him In November. he was always saying I need to loose a little weight so maybe a little good has come out of this. 

My next appointment Is next month to see Dr Patti now that Is something I'm not looking forward to. apparently she Is arranging for me to have Cystoscopys. I know I have to have them. I've read about them so many time's trying to de-sensitize myself but It still terrifies me. the only thing I can do Is when I actually have them Is to keep my eye's shut like when I had the angiogram.
