It's not over!

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This morning I had a realization. while making a comment I mentioned my heart condition It's genetic. here we go. It's called Hypertropic Cardiomyopathy with Paroxysmal atrial fibrilation not sure about the spelling. basically It Is a disease like cancer only It cannot be cured over time It will get worse. the main concern Is that my heart can stop beating at any time. It's happened three time's so far but only for second's my defib always kick's In and save's me. the last time It happened I was actually on my way to hospital to receive my radiotherapy. I hardly notice when It happen's It's so quick. but my cardiologist has told me that when It come's I will be dead before I hit the floor and this could be any time. It could be tomorrow next week or next year. 

So everyone Is happy that my cancer has been cured ( as far as I know ) but they seem to forget that my heart has not. my heart condition Is actually more dangerous than the cancer. so whatever happens I can't win.  It's never going to be over.

John Michael

  • FormerMember
    No you cant win,
  • FormerMember
    No you cant win,,but hopefully you be around long enough to let. Old age enter the game to be the cause,
  • FormerMember
    Damon's right. It's bound to weigh on your mind but the fact it's being managed as best as they can means you've got a much better chance of living for many more years. I know it doesn't make you feel any better; you've every right to feel hopeless once in a while. I'm trying to take a leaf out of my dad's book. He's convinced when his time comes it'll be a heart attack just like all the men in his family but he says there's no point focusing on it because otherwise he'll spend his entire life obsessing about his health then be really annoyed when he gets hit by a bus instead. He's already outlived his own father by a year and I've no doubt he'll make it many more years after that.
  • FormerMember
    The cancer thing takes over your whole life, even when it's gone!! Even though your heart condition is potentionally more life threatening, everything is centred around the 'C' word and that's all people hear. For myself, being dead before I hit the floor would be preferable to months and months of pain, distress and watching my dearest and nearest suffer, watching me wither away. I hope you and all of us still have long lives ahead of us to enjoy. But who knows, that proverbial bus could be just round the corner! One thing this has taught me, live life to the max, don't bother with people who piss you off, laugh daily and drink wine!! Haha, or maybe beer in your case! Keep sparking on Bud, it's the only way to go xx
  • FormerMember

    That must be so hard for you.I  have arthritis and it's very painful but nobody bothers whereas with cancer it gets all the attention....maybe you will learn some way of living with uncertainty.nobody can tell you how to live but the British Heart foundation have a very good helpline and they are well trained and supportive emotionally..I find them great..Do phone them but alas you can't phone at the weekend..wait till Monday...I am sure you will be pleased if you do