Cruton / Jenny

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I have just been reading the comment's from Cruton and Jenny. thank you lady's something I never expected. regarding the advert's. I feel that they are detrimental to people who are suffering from cancer. all I want to do Is forget the last seven month's and try to regain at least some of my life. I used to practice yoga and did so for five year's. I love to read. I never read anything while going through the treatment's. I now dread night time. not because I hardly sleep because of constantly needing to urinate but because my mind Is constantly replaying what I have been through. I even dream about It. In my mind everything Is different now. there was me before cancer and me now. I am completely changed. nothing Is Important. why bother with yoga or reading. I no longer worry about anything. I can't see an end to this. even when the cancer has been removed It's on going. there's always that chance It could come back. when my wife visited me In hospital I broke down crying. she said " It's ok we will get through this" I said I'm not crying for myself. I'm crying for you. what you will have to go through. I think If I were single no wife no kid's I would not have accepted the treatment. I even asked the consultant how long I would have If I declined. he said three year's at the most. It's family Isn't It that make's us suffer the treatment. I have a grand daughter that suffer's with Cystic Fibrosis. she Is now twenty two. she has suffered all her life. and has tried to take her own life at least twice. she visited me In hospital and we had a long talk. I understand now and will never judge her ever again. she has spent half her life In hospital. I asked her how do you cope with your Illness. she told me she live's a day at a time. she has been very lucky and never complain's I felt ashamed. I look up to her because what I have been through Is nothing compared to what she has

  • Hello again John Michael.I guess once cancer comes into your life it's not something you can forget it's like those dementors in the Harry Potter films that suck the joy out of everything.Even with or without adverts etc it's not something that can be forgotten.It does things not only to your body but your mind.My nephew also has cystic fibrosis he is now 22.He has had to fight every day of his life and go through treatments and take medication almost since the day he was born.he too when asked "how do you cope" said what your granddaughter said "a day at a time" he feels fortunate to still be here having seen others he has made friends with lose their battle.I don't know if you have spoken with your urology team about having to get up so much in the night or if they can suggest anything that might help.How could it not get you down having little or no rest.Also I wonder if you have thought of counselling.It cannot change the situation but it may help with the emotional impact cancer has had on you.It may also be worth having a chat with your GP about how your feeling.I am three years down the line I seem to get cancer or a reoccurrence once a year.It was raw and hard at first to deal with it all but as time has gone on I have re built my life and in truth my life is for all the threat of it coming back,good.Like your granddaughter and my nephew one day at a time.Cruton x
  • Just to add I don't know if you are aware but there is a very good support group on facebook Bladder Cancer Support If you send a friend request they will accept you Cruton