I'm Getting There

  • Depression


    I find that whenever I visit the Macmillan web site I get depressed. reading all those stories. especially the " I've just been diagnosed" entry's. It set's me off thinking about my own Illness. I have Bladder cancer. or rather had. I have just finished six week's of radio therapy. I still have trouble urinating. It's slow and the night's are spent visiting the toilet on average 7 or 8 time's so I get little sleep. In…

  • Feeling sorry for myself


    I have been wallowing In self pity for two week's now. my cancer Is not terminal. I can and will be cured. I am a great fan of medieval history and have decided to face this "dragon" I will fight. I will don my armour and mount my mighty Destrier and with my lance and sword I will fight you. I no longer fear you. I am Pagan. and I have my god's at my side. I take my ancestor's name "Saluayne" and carry It Into battle…

  • Shock


    I had the biopsy on the 23/12/13. then had to wait two week's for the result. within a couple of day's the burning sensation was subsiding and I was urinating almost normally. I was feeling so much better. then on the 14/1/14. I went to the hospital to hear the result's. I was expecting good new's because I felt so well.( I'm going to cut this short because I don't have a lot of time I should be hoovering) the doctor…