I'm Getting There

  • Getting better


    Last week. [ I apologize ] If I offended anyone I looked at some porn on the advice of a friend. I have not looked since but my weeing has Improved. I'm getting up less during the night and can now go out during the day without fear of wetting myself for at least three hour's. I don't know If It was the porn that helped."after all nothing happened physically" maybe It was the hope I generated within my mind that porn…

  • Porn did It help??


    I was told by my consultant a few month's ago that I would most probably end up Impotent. well tonight I did some thing I thought I would never do. but first some back ground. I had been worried about Impotency and It has been well over a year since any Intimacy between myself and my wife has taken place " she Is afraid of becoming radio active" because of the radio therapy. It was the same when I had the defib put Into…

  • Following last Wednesday


    Following last Wednesday's fiasco:......I finally went to bed at nine after going to the toilet. I did a moderately normal wee about 60% of my usual. I laid In bed listening to classic fm for about an hour then felt the need to wee again. only this time nothing. no wee then the urge went. but It came back after fifteen minute's still nothing. after two hour's of this I started to worry the urge's were getting more frequent…

  • What a day!!


    Up at 5am this morning. left at 5.45am to get to the hospital for 7am. best leave early said the wife make sure we get there on time. we got there at 6.30am and then had to wait until the lift became active. I hate waiting around In corridor's. once the lift was operational went to third floor then had to wait for some one to open the door to the day surgery It seem's no one start's until at least 7.15am. door's open…

  • Doubt's


    Well I finally got my phone call two week's ago to go Into hospital for my final two "procedure's" on the 20th of this month and straight away I'm nervous. I don't know why. I will be out cold when they do It so that part will be over . . . .I hope . . . This past week I've been experiencing  doubt's that the cancer Is gone. I've been getting ache's In my groin again and a feeling of nausea…