Porn did It help??

1 minute read time.

I was told by my consultant a few month's ago that I would most probably end up Impotent. well tonight I did some thing I thought I would never do. but first some back ground. I had been worried about Impotency and It has been well over a year since any Intimacy between myself and my wife has taken place " she Is afraid of becoming radio active" because of the radio therapy. It was the same when I had the defib put Into my chest. "she was worried about being electrocuted"...  I know! but that's the way she Is. to get to the point a friend told me to have a look at porn to see If any thing popped up. so this Is what I did " tonight " as It happen's, I've seen porn before when I was younger and even then I thought It boring. anyway I just typed In porn and there It was. I looked at some of the picture's and watched a couple of video's. nothing happened to me physically nothing popped up If you know what I mean then after about ten minute's I wanted to do a wee so I went to the toilet. Instead of the usual weak stream It was stronger and I did a lot more. I think I actually managed to empty my bladder some thing I've not been able to do since being diagnosed. as I said I never achieved an erection but I think watching the porn did some thing maybe the area got some extra blood. I don't know. I have just been to the toilet again with the same result a lot more and stronger. should I tell my consultant this. I see her on the first Thursday In October........should I tell my wife!.......should I do It again later In the week to see If I get the same result. and If I do and get similar result's I would then be obliged to tell my consultant.............and my wife,

  • FormerMember
    Well John, maybe you have made a breakthrough in bladder cancer research..........Porn therapy!!! Perhaps this will be the way to go! Keep sparkling on buddy 😄xxx