Following last Wednesday

2 minute read time.

Following last Wednesday's fiasco:......I finally went to bed at nine after going to the toilet. I did a moderately normal wee about 60% of my usual. I laid In bed listening to classic fm for about an hour then felt the need to wee again. only this time nothing. no wee then the urge went. but It came back after fifteen minute's still nothing. after two hour's of this I started to worry the urge's were getting more frequent and I was starting to feel pain. I did not want to disturb my wife she was totally exhausted after the previous day but at 3am I could take no more and woke her. I said I'm so sorry to have to put you through more but I think I need an ambulance. she was straight up and on the phone In a flash. I just could not do It myself I was In so much pain and I was scared. I spoke to the operator who asked me my symptom's. he said It sounded like shock to a certain muscle In the bladder that control's urination. It can occur when a catheter has been removed too quickly. or too soon after an operation. we waited an hour for the ambulance. I actually thought I was going to die. the pain was beyond anything I have ever felt. Imagine bursting for a wee and multiplying that feeling by a thousand and then double It. that's how It felt. my wife showed a strength that night I never knew she had even through the cancer. catheter's terrify me. but when we finally got to the hospital I was begging for one. but god they took their time another 30min's. but when that tube was put In the pain just flowed away. I thanked the young doctor and told him he could come to my house and take what he wanted. he smiled and said just doing my job. he also told me It could be shock to the bladder. I know one more Internal examination's. I'm not going to be put through that again. I still have the catheter In and have been sleeping very well because obviously I don't have to get up during the night. It has It's plus side but having said that I won't miss It. It come's out Wednesday........And thankyou for your previous replie's. Miss Sparkle and Itshappeningtometo xxxx

  • FormerMember
    Oh John, will it ever end. Just when you think it's safe to go back in the water...... I can sympathise with your pain. My dear old dad, who is no longer with us, suffered greatly from bladder problems and frequently had to have a catheter. After removal I have seen him reduced to his knees in pain and we have had to get emergency help. I'm glad you eventually got some relief. I hope all goes well on the next removal. Take care bud, will be thinking of you xxx