What a day!!

1 minute read time.

Up at 5am this morning. left at 5.45am to get to the hospital for 7am. best leave early said the wife make sure we get there on time. we got there at 6.30am and then had to wait until the lift became active. I hate waiting around In corridor's. once the lift was operational went to third floor then had to wait for some one to open the door to the day surgery It seem's no one start's until at least 7.15am. door's open wait at reception another 15min's. finally I get to hand over my letter. told to sit and wait. 8am I'm called told to change Into gown and dressing gown. great I thought I'm going to get seen to early. I saw the surgeon and the whole team concerned with my procedure. all this was done by 8.30am. and then I'm left waiting until 9.30 when I'm led to another floor and told to get onto a bed and wait. great I thought I'm on my way. I waited for another one and a half hour's. It was 11am before they came for me. My procedure took two hour's. It was just after 1pm when I woke up In recovery. It was a further 6hr's before I was released. the nurse had to be satisfied that I was urinating normally after my catheter was removed which was not until 4pm. my wife by this time was a physical wreak. we had spent nearly 14hr's at the hospital. we spent 10hr's waiting. my wife Is now sleeping. she Is shattered. all this time spent waiting. It was stressful enough as It was. I have been dreading this day for the last six month's and I have to do It all again six month's from now. I have an appointment to see " one of my consultant's" In November. boy am I going to complain. what a day,

  • FormerMember
    Oh John, what a nightmare! All this waiting around, and they don't even think you have not eaten or drunk anything since the night before. This is reminiscent of my last day surgery. I was in at 7.30am, but due to complications with the patient in front of me, I was not taken to theatre until 2.30 in the afternoon!! Apart from the apprehension of what was going to happen, I was nearly fading away from thirst and hunger!! I bet you were exhausted when you got home. I know I was. Have a good sleep! xx
  • FormerMember

    Have a good rest now you two, sounds awful, but at least it is done and you can rest x