Warm your teaspoon

  • closer stuff


    Well it has been a pretty good month on the whole and overall if you take out all the yucky mucky icky bits and multiply the good stuff. 

    The break from the radio did its job of lulling the feeling of goodness into a false sense of security until 3 days before daughters imminent arrival from Canada. Her arrrival was a real boost for the spirit. His mum would make a whole chapter on it's own. And it's probably best that…

  • L'il' update


    Tum tum te tum te tum .... the tune of our doorbell when the damp sets it off in wee small hours of the morning, and you HAVE to get up and look just in case. 

    I guess that getting up in the wee small hours will be a regular occurance from October. A two hour consultation has him pencilled in for Thursday 10th for anterior bowel resection. 

    The good news is that he has responded really well to the chemo and radio treatments…

  • Grumpy me


    Less blog / diary - more shouting at keyboard session. 

    Hubby doing well, holiday between chemo/radio and the BIG OP coming to an end. MRI and CT next week. Guess will be followed quite quickly by results consult and some vague op details. The bowel is to go, this we know. How much is left to join up with rectum as yet unknown. Permanent/ temporary stoma unknown. Dates unknown. 

    Hands still numb and tingly, feet still…

  • beige jobbies


    And finally some sign of improvement. Still a long way from normal but getting there. 

    Sometimes forget what normal is/was. But I know I'm in good company here with that one. 

    Hubby has been much more upbeat in the last few days and bowel movements seem to be reverting to pre diagnosis state. He is now brave enough to pass the occasional burst of wind (or fart to us uncouth commoners). Toilet movements are firming…

  • Tearful


    So how to continue.  ??? 

    I'm the wife and not the diagnosed.

    Hubby has explosive bowel movements and a bleeding  penis. Scared. Not seen any posts that seem similar. 

     Tearful moment

    The radio burn is nasty, he was knackered when he got home,  

    P hew ew '.