Grumpy me

1 minute read time.

Less blog / diary - more shouting at keyboard session. 

Hubby doing well, holiday between chemo/radio and the BIG OP coming to an end. MRI and CT next week. Guess will be followed quite quickly by results consult and some vague op details. The bowel is to go, this we know. How much is left to join up with rectum as yet unknown. Permanent/ temporary stoma unknown. Dates unknown. 

Hands still numb and tingly, feet still floaty. Potentially permanent effect of oxaliplatin. 

Known - we must work. While hubby in hospital I must work then see how far 3 weeks of leave will stretch. His work is trying to save his leave to use for real holiday break. Only married four years and this all sucks.

Known - his daughter flying in from Canada on 16th September for 2 weeks - she must work too or would be longer. 

Known - Mum-in-law invited herself down from scotland from the wednesday to the wednesday to see granddaughter and son. 

We have one spare bedroom and bed. We live in a village with an occasional bus service and no shops. Mum-in-law doesn't drive and daughter doesn't have UK licence. I have the car for work. 

The water bill was underestimated by 37 units and 3 points for speeding (36 going into a 30) on his  licence cost extra 87 quid on insurance. Hands up to the offence but a bit steep on the insurance when fine already paid. Lesson learnt.

But we are a white British married heterosexual couple with full time jobs trying to buy our own home and therefore not entitled to any financial help when one of us is hit by this debilitating disease. 

Think I'm going to try a couple of glasses of something alcoholic with my happy anti stress pill tonight. Can always try for a lie-in. That's another thing - GP gave me script for 28 days worth and said see you again in 6 to 8 weeks??? He suggested using them for 6 months.

Well all is in the air till we get hospital dates so nothing much to be done till then apart from buy/borrow a sofa bed. 

Want to hide under a big blanky in a corner and emerge when this is all done. 

Sending big snuggly blanky's to anybody who needs one. 
