L'il' update

1 minute read time.

Tum tum te tum te tum .... the tune of our doorbell when the damp sets it off in wee small hours of the morning, and you HAVE to get up and look just in case. 

I guess that getting up in the wee small hours will be a regular occurance from October. A two hour consultation has him pencilled in for Thursday 10th for anterior bowel resection. 

The good news is that he has responded really well to the chemo and radio treatments. The nasty cancer barely shows. So all is looking positive for reconnecting the pipework and a temporary stoma/ ileostomy. The dot on his liver has not changed so just a freckle. The blip on the prostate has reacted and shrunk so will be observed at future scans/blood tests. 

Lots of reading to do now as well as practising wearing and changing the stoma bag. 

What fun. 

Daughter in from Canada for 2 weeks on Monday. Much more fun. Good for morale and the lifting of spirits. We're trying to keep an open mind with his Mum's arrival. We always have the tent to pitch in the back garden if it becomes too much. 

Still watching and caring even if not posting. Hugs and empathy to all. x x x
