Warm your teaspoon

  • Bye bye big C


    I have pleasure in writing to inform you that your recent scan results have been reviewed and confirm  that all is normal. 

    4 weeks after the scan we figured all was ok. Bad news travels faster. But good to see in writing.

    So life 2 years on  - Loperamide is a store cupboard basic. Habits change frequently.

    We made a holiday abroad - beware of air pressure  changes during flight. . . 

    I'm am a  wife - not a widow. 


  • Windy story


    Husband made a small fart saturday morning 18th january, 2 days after stoma reversal. And was discharged cos the beds on ward were needed. 

    To be fair the A & E had a busy night. But there was a wanderer in the bay and my hubby was the most ablest of the 6 beds and the nurses were short handed. G in the end bed got told to sit on it and leave catheter alone. Might have taken my man half hour to get to the end bed but…

  • Re-connection


    Just read back my last blog. So much and so little has happened since then. 

    Hubby has done really well. 

    He got into routine with stoma (ileostomy). Changing bag once a day was the best for him. Two days and he got itchy from the glue. Emptying became regular at about four hours after eating. Usually once through the night. Gurgling was occasional only and only two night time leaks - the cut off waistband from a pair…

  • 22 days & fuzzy peaches


    22 days post op. 17 days home. 

    All going pretty well. One step forward then one step back for a week. Then two steps forward one back. Now in the land of step step step. 

    Stoma nurse called day 13 of post op. Now to be known as P.O. All looking good (?) red and burbling and reducing in size.

    Day 14 we had call from MDT with results of biopsy of the offensive tumour formerly known as Bob. 

    Bob successfully removed but…

  • Little stomy - plan A


    It's hard to write a post when friends here have felt so much pain and heartache.

    I'd like to share this update to add some positive to the cancer experience. 

    Husband had his lower anterior resection with a loop ileostomy last Thursday.  Procedure had us on ward for 6.30 in the morning. Op not scheduled till pm. One colonic irrigation later and I was kicked out just after nine. I'd given myself a bunch of chores…