beige jobbies

1 minute read time.

And finally some sign of improvement. Still a long way from normal but getting there. 

Sometimes forget what normal is/was. But I know I'm in good company here with that one. 

Hubby has been much more upbeat in the last few days and bowel movements seem to be reverting to pre diagnosis state. He is now brave enough to pass the occasional burst of wind (or fart to us uncouth commoners). Toilet movements are firming up too and showing a little more depth of colour. The paleness and looseness is slowly being replaced by colour and substance. Hopefully he is retaining some of the good stuff from the hi-cal diet he is getting. Weight still needs to be maintained. The radiation cystitis is easing. Less stingy but still low on pressure. 

He is still terrified of by the thought of surgery. Maybe because no-one can say what will be found once he is on the table - thereby deciding how future everything evolves. I think if we knew for sure beforehand we could plan but then thats the grab with cancer. It doesn't play by any rules. 

But his daughter is coming over from Canada in September - still not sure if pre or post op(but a really positive event). Gonna be tight. And his mum wants to head down from scotland at the same time. One spare bedroom and we live in a village with one car that I need to get to work with. Should make an interesting if rambling blog when that fortnight comes. 

I'm still getting by and doing what I'm meant to. Not sure about tabs docs prescribed me but have appointment next week to follow up. Will give them time. Think I'm less stressed by the silly stuff that crops up. Still get ridiculously angry about silly stuff then tell myself off and end up sobbing stupidly. Poxy cancer. Hubby wonderful. Gives me hugs when I should be giving them to him. 

Any way, thank you Laura.I'll take the follow up with my GP. There is a counselling service available in our county. Financially we have followed up and are not entitled to help. We both work full time with no dependants, although not on the national average we are above minimum wage. Hey ho. 

Looking forward to a couple of weeks of work/ home/ eat/ sleep stability. Would be soooo nice.....
