The page in the book I never wanted to read.....

  • A new day....

    I went to bed last night feeling so much better, in fact I was exhausted from the constant worry and strain. I still woke in the evening thinking oh no I have cancer, but when asleep I didn't dream about it, for that I felt so much better this morning. I am determined to stay happy and positive now after my news yesterday. It has been a busy day and I can't believe it's now nearly 11 o clock! My sieze the day…
  • Hope turns to reality

    I went to bed last nit pretty distraught as you can probably tell from my last post. I can't even describe my thoughts and feeling I just know there was water pouring from my nose and eyes until no more could pour. I woke this morning as my better asks if I am still going swimming, my reply was a grunt of no idea as I felt pretty lousy aft an evening of crying. However I picked my but up out of bed got my swim kit…
  • The glimmer Of hope has escaped me.......

    After a busy weekend full of family, love emotions, heart ache and tears. My family we're told I have cancer. By Sunday night I was exhausted from the talking, the crying the brave faces .....everything. Yesterday (Monday) was a good day, no tears a lot of reflection and more family visits. My family have amazed me in all honesty. I am not very close to my family and don't see them that often, however the support…
  • The difference a day makes.

    As the title states, what a difference a day makes. As bad as Saturday was telling the people I love so much that I have Cancer and seeing the hurt and devastation in their eyes and face, it has made an amazing difference to my outlook. I spoke to my siblings on Sunday who all cried and did the whole why you, you have had enough to deal with, this is so not fair etc etc, basically they repeated everything I have said…
  • I told them....

    Well yesterday was an emotional day but one that had to be done. I finally told my parents that I have cancer. I braved up at about 11 o clock to call them with the news, and there was no answer again. I stupidly thought to myself, could is be a sign that each time I call to tell them, there is no one home. Could it be a sign that I would be worrying them for no reason and by some sort of miracle they are going…